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In writing this book, it is not my intuition to treat conjuring in all its technical details; hut merely record some of the results of my life study of the fascinating art of Magic; and which I hope, will prove, if not instructive, at least interesting to the many who either dabble in Magic for a likelihood or pastime. When I wrote "Tricky-Tricks" I confidently intended it should be my last book. But "Circumstances Alter Cases." The great success of my two books: "The Magicians New Field" and "Tricky-Tricks" was a very gratifying surprise to me, as the sales of these books ran far beyond my fondest expectations. Since then 1 have been besieged with inquiries, especially during the last two months, as to when I was going to write another book. Of course, it is encouraging to know that your work is appreciated, but my time was pre-occupied with my "finessing Institute." Besides my aspirations were soaring within the lofty realm of a New-More Perfect and more wonderful type of Magic than the world has ever known before! Now, since the birth of "New Era Magic'' we have a new condition - A condition which demands New Magic Literature; and as a starter "Advanced Magic" is the first answer to the call. Anticipating your interrogation as to what "Now Era Magic" is, I will briefly state that the distinctive principle, and principle distinction between the old and the new class or higher type of Magic, is the obvious fairness and open-and-above-hoard manner of presentation of the latter. In other words; in the New Magic, materializations are not obviously smuggled in, nor are the envanishments obvious smuggling out, ns is generally the case with our aged art. Especially is this. true with the big tricks -- Illusions. He who thinks this principle is of little importance does not know what it is that really makes an effect Surprising and Startling. The degree in which your effort is Surprising or Startling depends upon how perfectly you have adhered to and applied the said principle. Within the advent of "New Era Magic" our beloved Art now enters upon a New Epoch. Arc- you, dear reader, going to keep pace therewith, or are you one of those who think that any old tiling is "good enough" is long as you can get away with it? Unless you decide quickly, no choice will be left you. The Magic Art is now in a state of transition and is rapidly undergoing a complete revolution. There will be only one type of Magic in the future; that will he. the "New Era." I have no ax to grind; nor have I any apology to make for the appearance of this book. "Advanced Magic" is simply a reply to the numerous urgent requests of my friends, many of whom I have met person-ally, before and since leaving the road, that I put in hook form more of the fruits of my experience and observations. If this work should prove helpful to at least one Struggling Brother, I will feel amply rewarded for my efforts.