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A fórmula de Deus

A fórmula de Deus
Author: José Rodrigues dos Santos
Total Pages: 588
Release: 2006
Genre: Authors, Portuguese

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The Einstein Enigma

The Einstein Enigma
Author: José Rodrigues dos Santos
Publisher: Harper Paperbacks
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2011-11-22
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9780061719318

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Princeton, New Jersey, 1951: As a CIA operative watches from the shadows, two old men—Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion and world-renowned scientist Albert Einstein—enter Einstein’s home to speak privately about nuclear weapons and the existence of God. Present Day Cairo, Egypt: Over lunch in the Muslim quarter, world-famous cryptanalyst Thomas Noronha is hired by a beautiful dark-haired woman, Ariana Pakravan, to decipher a cryptogram hidden in a recently discovered secret document under heavy security in Tehran. A manuscript penned by Albert Einstein, it is titled Die Gottesformel: The God Formula. So begins a remarkable adventure that spans the world, as Thomas and Ariana pursue the dangerous truth behind an incredible document. The Einstein Enigma is a breathtaking fusion of science, thriller, and religion, a mind-bending trip to the source of time, the essence of the universe, and the meaning of life itself.

The Faith

The Faith
Author: John A. Hardon
Publisher: Edicoes Loyola
Total Pages: 324
Release: 1995
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9780892838752

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Many catholics today--even those who attend Mass regularly--are confused about the Church's teaching on moral issues like abortion, premartial sex, and homosexuality. In an age where even some Catholic thelogians fail to uphold Church teaching in areas like premarial sex and the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, " The Catechism issue of the Catholic Church" is a beacon on stormy seas. The critical issues is this: How can Catholics in the pew understand and apply this massive new catechism that is meant to guide them into the twenty--first century? Pope Jhon Paul II clearly intends it to be used by all the members of the Church and not simply as a resource for theologians and catechists. But how can lay Catholics begin the task of absorbing the message of this important work? In the faith, Father Hardon offers a popular guide, written in question--and--answer format, that provides a road map for those who want to fully embrace the teachings of the catholic Church. In concise and clear language Father John Hardon explains the"what," the "why" and the "how" of the Cathecism for the popular reader: what it's about, why it's important and how to use it. Interested lay Catholics, pastors, parents and catechists will find that Father Hardon's The Faith is a sure guide to help them understand and apply their faith--today and into the next century.

A mão de Deus ao leme

A mão de Deus ao leme
Author: Enoch de Oliveira
Publisher: Casa Publicadora Brasileira
Total Pages: 341
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 6589448442

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O movimento adventista no oceano da história A igreja nasceu pequena. Surgiu dos escombros de uma grande decepção. Desde seu início e ao longo do tempo, alguns previram seu fracasso e até mesmo torceram por isso. No entanto, outros acreditaram em seu triunfo e trabalharam para concretizá-lo. Confiantes na direção divina, homens e mulheres investiram nessa causa tudo o que possuíram-tempo, bens e até a própria vida. Se em algum momento a embarcação adventista pareceu vacilar no mar da incerteza que assolava o mundo, por outro lado, pairou sobre todos a certeza de que a Mão estava ao leme, conduzindo-a ao rumo seguro. A igreja cresceu e se estendeu pelo mundo. Por isso, não podemos ignorar suas origens e história. Vale a pena conhecer as dificuldades do passado e extrair lições para o futuro, com a certeza de que a mão de Deus continua ao leme.

The Mystery of Christ

The Mystery of Christ
Author: Thomas Keating
Publisher: A&C Black
Total Pages: 140
Release: 1994-06-01
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 0826406971

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Following upon Open Mind, Open Heart, which presents a profound formation in Christian prayer, this book demonstrates the contemplative dimension of Christian worship. Here Father Keating recovers the deeper sense of the liturgical year and shares a theological and mystical perspective on the major feasts of the annual cycle. The reader is immersed in the wonder of faith in the mystery of Christ and of the unique nature of God's action and presence in and through the liturgy of our lives.

A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula

A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula
Author: César Domínguez
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Total Pages: 765
Release: 2016-10-20
Genre: Literary Criticism
ISBN: 9027266913

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Volume 2 of A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula brings to an end this collective work that aims at surveying the network of interliterary relations in the Iberian Peninsula. No attempt at such a comparative history of literatures in the Iberian Peninsula has been made until now. In this volume, the focus is placed on images (Section 1), genres (Section 2), forms of mediation (Section 3), and cultural studies and literary repertoires (Section 4). To these four sections an epilogue is added, in which specialists in literatures in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as in the (sub)disciplines of comparative history and comparative literary history, search for links between Volumes 1 and 2 from the point of view of general contributions to the field of Iberian comparative studies, and assess the entire project that now reaches completion with contributions from almost one hundred scholars.

Kant and the Metaphors of Reason

Kant and the Metaphors of Reason
Author: Patricia Kauark-Leite
Publisher: Georg Olms Verlag
Total Pages: 619
Release: 2015-08-03
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 3487151243

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In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten hat die Metapher in der Philosophie zunehmend Beachtung gefunden und wurde zu einem zentralen Thema, mit dem Kant sich in seiner kritischen Philosophie in Begriffen von Analogie und Symbolisierung beschäftigt. Sein Beitrag zur Entwicklung unseres Verständnisses der Rolle, die Bilder, Metaphern und Symbole in theoretischer und praktischer Hinsicht leisten, ist bedeutend; zudem ist Kant selber auch als Schöpfer von Metaphern weithin bekannt. Symbole, Analogien und ästhetische Ideen sind unleugbar metaphorische Verfahren, die eine ebenso grundlegende wie systematische Funktion in Kants philosophischer Sprache einnehmen. – Dieser Sammelband ist das Ergebnis einer neueren Initiative seitens einer internationalen Gruppe von mit Kant befassten Philosophen und Kant-Spezialisten, um die Erforschung von Themen zu befördern, die noch nicht umfassend bearbeitet sind. Das trifft mit Sicherheit auf die „Metapher“-Thematik in Kants Philosophie zu, der der vorliegende Band gewidmet ist. In recent decades, metaphor has become a respectable and central theme in philosophy. In his critical philosophy, Kant treats this theme in terms of the notions of analogy and symbolization. In addition to contributing significantly to the development of our understanding of the role played by images, metaphors and symbols in both theoretical and practical issues, Kant is also widely recognized as a great creator of metaphors in his own right. Symbols, analogies and aesthetic ideas are undeniably metaphorical processes, which fulfill a function in Kant’s philosophical language that is as fundamental as it is systematic. This collected volume is the result of a recent initiative on the part of an international group of Kantian philosophers and scholars to promote research on topics that have yet to be thoroughly explored in academic research. This is certainly true of the topic of metaphor in Kant’s philosophy, to which the present volume is devoted.