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The Original Sin is a Jewish Invention

The Original Sin is a Jewish Invention
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 60
Release: 2017-07-01
Genre: Religion

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First, the Atlantean Darkness had driven away the Kings of Light. Then, the Semites debauched the Holy of Holies. Every birth is an ever-recurring miracle, evidence that within the workshop of the womb an intelligent creative power has intervened to fasten a living soul to a physical machine. The metaphor of the Holy of Holies in sacred constructions was taken from the idea of the sacredness of the organs of generation, and carried to the extreme by the Churches. Vedic woman was as free as man, for no impure terrestrial thought was ever mixed with the religious symbology of the early Aryans. The seclusion of women in penetralia began with the Mohammedans, the next heirs to Hebrew symbolism after Christian ecclesiasticism. Aryan and Semitic religious systems of thought are two opposing poles: sincerity and spirituality versus concealment and animalism. Everything holy and precious has been so much defiled and desecrated, that the dark age we live in is now much darker. A quick overview of the Semitic theological predicament. The real serpent of Genesis is “the Lord God” himself, not the membrum virile. The serpent has always been an emblem of Wisdom and Eternity, the dual Androgyne or Agathodaimon, Light + Shadow coiled within a Grand Cycle, and manifesting as the opposing forces of Good and Evil — eternally reacting upon each other. Esoterically, serpent is Logos, the bearer of Divine Creative Wisdom that taught men to become creators in their turn. No sin could be attributed to the alleged “disobedience” of Adam and Eve in the bower of Eden. The only disobedience that incurs harsh punishment is contempt of the laws of spiritual life. Estrangement from the love of god and our neighbour will bring about spiritual death for personal immortality is conditional. There is no sin worse than suppression of Truth, and ingratitude to the ancient teachers of Occult Science. When the Kalki-Avatara appears men will be born again without sin, as the early Third Race Lemurians were. Our Saviours preferred free will to passive slavery, intellectual self-conscious pain and even torture to inane, imbecile, instinctual beatitude. But while saving man from mental darkness, they inflicted upon him the torment and tortures of unmastered self-consciousness, the outcome of his free will, besides every ill to which man and flesh are heir to. The key to understanding the “original sin,” and the redemption from sin, is the Promethean Sacrifice. Thus the boon of Prometheus became a curse, though foreknown and foreseen by the Divine Host (the Dhyani-Chohans of the Secret Doctrine) personified in that personage, as his name well shows. It is in this Promethean act that rests the cause of the “sin” and its redemption. The real sin is man’s passions and proclivities that chain his higher aspirations to the rock of matter, and bring forth the vulture of sorrow and pain that eats his insides. It is biblical allegories, such as the “fall,” “atonement,” and “crucifixion,” that led Western Humanity through roads knee-deep in blood. These allegories led people to believe in the dogma of an evil spirit distinct from the spirit of all-good, whereas the former lives in all-matter and pre-eminently in man. To cap it all, the Churches invented the God-slandering dogmas of hell and eternal perdition. By debasing number 7, the Jews made their religion rest solely on physiological symbols, thus deifying sexual Theogony and adoring the phallus. They were a remarkably matter-of-fact, unspiritual people at all times. They debauched the pure ideal of a wholly immaterial creation into an emblem of human reproduction and sexuality. The Hebrew Scriptures had been tampered with and remodelled, had been lost and rewritten a dozen times before the days of Ezra, who reconstructed the old lost Jewish Books to suit his own ambitions. From Genesis to the last word of Deuteronomy, the Pentateuch is the symbolical narrative of the sexes and an apotheosis of Phallicism under astronomical and physiological personations. The higher keys to the Archaic Wisdom-Religion that were once humanity’s common property are now obfuscated. No key to the universal language-system can ever open the mysteries of creation in a work in which, whether through design or carelessness, nearly every sentence has been made to apply to the latest outcome of religious views — to Phallicism, and to nothing else. Plato’s motto “God geometrizes” was accepted by both Aryans and Jews. But while the former applied their Science of Correspondences to veil the most spiritual and sublime truths of Nature, the latter used their acumen to conceal only one of the mysteries of evolution (to them the most divine), namely, that of birth and generation, and then idealised the male organ. While composing their national allegories, the Jews never had more than three keys out of seven — the astronomical, the numerical and, above all, the purely anthropological or rather physiological key. This resulted in the most phallic religion of all, and this has now passed, part and parcel, into Christian theology. Religious anthropolatry stimulated the exercise of black, left-hand magic, and overshadowed the Archaic Wisdom Religion, that of the “Sons of God,” the B’ne Elohim of old. This double sin led to the “Great War” and the “Great Flood” of Atlantis, and is the forerunner of worse calamities to come. Self-gratification and phallic-worship are the main causes of suffering in today’s world. An old, simple symbol of the Holy of Holies was a white tent. In Egyptian and Hebrew temples, it evolved into a four-colour curtain suspended from four pillars. Then the “Sanctuary” became the “Holy of Holies,” and the arcanum anthropomorphised, phallicised, sullied with indecency, and polluted by gross matter. For the Pantheists, the chaste sarcophagus embraced the periodical reawakenings of Cosmos, Nature, and Man to new objective existences. But the Jews, whose realism was as practical and gross in the days of Moses as it is now, viewed it differently. Their King David danced “uncovered” before the Ark of the Covenant, anxious to appear vile for the sake of his “Lord.” They even embellished the chaste Ark with two cherubs facing each other, and their wings spread in such a manner as to form a perfect yoni. Yet, in India, the Ark has always been symbolised by the golden cow; in Egypt, by the sarcophagus or female principle; and in Greece, by the crescent-form of the new Moon. The Holy Spirit is now surrounded by the unholy dancers of the “temple.” Ashtoreth-Astarte is a reflection of the Chaldean Nuah or Universal Mother, the female Noah. Then we have Belita or Tamtu (Chaldean for sea), the Mother of the City of Erech who became Eve, Mary (Latin for sea), the Virgin of the Latin Church standing on the crescent-moon and at times on the globe, to vary the program. Plenty of other variations of navis (Latin for ship, from Greek ναυς), the ship-like form of the crescent, which blends in itself all those common symbols of the ship of life, such as Noah’s Ark, the Yoni of the Hindus, and the Ark of the Covenant (i.e., the Universal “Mother of Gods”), are now found in every Christian Church as the nave (ablative case of navis). The mystic word Alm that Mohammed prefixed to many chapters of the Koran alludes to the Immaculate Virgin of the Supreme Heavens. It is from the same root that comes the word Almeh, the Egyptian dancing-girls, “virgins” of the same type as the Nachnis of India, and the female Qedoshim of the Jewish temples. Even IO, the pillar and circle, the first decimal number or Sun and Moon, was desecrated. Jehovah is the originator of measures, and of the British inch. He is merely a composite name for membrum virile and Eve, a hermaphrodite. Jehovah is in one sense Noah or, literally translated, inch! Jehovah and Moses is one more permutation. Still, the Holy of Holies is an international symbol. The worship of the “god in the ark” dates only from David; and for a thousand years Israel knew of no phallic Jehovah. Now the old Kabbalah, edited and re-edited, has become tainted with it. The passage through the “golden” cow in the same stooping position as the one shown in the gallery of the Pyramid of Cheops, identifies man with Jehovah in Hebrew esotericism. The difference lies in the spirit of interpretation. With the Hindus as with the ancient Egyptians, that Spirit was, and is, entirely metaphysical and psychological; with the Hebrews, realistic and physiological. With the ancient Aryan, the stooping man at the entrance of the Sanctum Sanctorum symbolises the virtuous man in his trial of life (Chrēstos in humiliation), who is about to pass through the matrix of Mother Nature in order to regain his former spiritual status, that of pre-natal Christos, the Divine Man. With the Semite, the same stooping man stands for the fall of Spirit into matter, apotheosized by dragging Deity down to the level of animal man. The Semite interpretations emanated from, and were pre-eminently those, of a small tribe — thus marking its national features and the idiosyncratic defects that characterize many of the Jews to this day: gross realism, selfishness, and sensuality. An abyss separates Hinduism from Christian Judaism. The religion of the Hindu detaches him from earth; The religion of the Jew, being a wise prudential feeling grounded on mere calculation, attaches him to earth. Built solely on phallic worship, Judaism has become a religion of hate and malice toward everyone and everything outside themselves. In Hinduism, the Holy of Holies is a universal abstraction, whose dramatis personæ are Infinite Spirit and Nature; in Christian Judaism, it is a personal God outside of Nature and the human womb, i.e., a phallic god and his image on earth, the man of flesh. Jehovah is simply a fancy and a perversion of the Holy Name. It is the Esoteric teachings and the Initiates of the Future, whose mission is, and will always be, to redeem and ennoble once more the primitive conception so sadly profaned by its crude and gross application to exoteric dogmas, and fanciful personations by theological and ecclesiastical religionists. The secret or esoteric worship of the Jews was the same Pantheism that the Vedantin philosophers are reproached with today; Jehovah was a substitute for purposes of an exoteric national faith, and had no importance or reality in the eyes of the erudite priests and philosophers. Jehovah can only be regarded as the creator of our globe and its heaven, namely, the firmament. A grotesque verse from Exodus kabbalistically interpreted by J. Ralston Skinner. The Semites seem to have had no other or higher purpose in life than that of procreating their species. They had no aspirations towards the Ideal. The real Holy of Holies is a ray of Absolute Truth. It is our innermost and highest Spiritual Consciousness. We should not blaspheme against It by ascribing to It our finite conceptions.

Original Sins

Original Sins
Author: Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi
Publisher: Olive Branch Press
Total Pages: 242
Release: 1993
Genre: History

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Starting from a non-idealizing, non-demonological review of Judaism, Jewish history and anti-Semitism, this book presents a sympathetic analysis of the development of political Zionism - and goes on to show how a dream can become both a living reality and a nightmare. While Beit-Hallahmi does not fault the idea of a Jewish state in the abstract, he shows how Zionism in practice and power becomes a kind of settler colonialism trying to ignore its victims - the Palestinians. The purpose of Original Sins is to counter the mystification on both sides of the Arab-Israeli conflict, to examine causes and principles, and to reach an analysis of the current political and moral crisis, in search for a solution to end the suffering on both sides.

The Ineffable Name is the Great Mystery of Creation and Salvation

The Ineffable Name is the Great Mystery of Creation and Salvation
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 54
Release: 2017-07-31
Genre: Religion

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Unknown and Unknowable is the Supreme Mystery-God. It is the Voice of the Ineffable Name and the Wisdom of the Initiates (Epopteia). It is the Holy of Holies, the Unity of Unities, more ineffable than all Silence, more occult than all Essence. It is Plato’s Unspeakable All, He whom no person has seen, except the Son. It is Pythagoras’ Ineffable God’s Name, and key to the mysteries of the Kabbalah. It is the Holy Word of God that “no man knew but He himself.” The Name is Ineffable because non-existent. It permeates the Moon and Stars, yet It is different from the Moon and Stars. It never differentiates but only emanates. There is no need travelling to distant places to find It. The Name is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart. It may rush into infinite worlds in sleepless whirling, yet It remains latent in the deepest recesses of thy heart. The Ineffable Name is Deity Itself, but not God. Nameless, unpronounceable, yet universally diffused Essence, the Ineffable is Kama-Eros-Phanes or noumenon of Fohat, i.e., Divine Will or Eternal Desire of manifesting Itself through visible creation. The Name lies hidden within the Pythagorean Tetrad or Tetractys. It is expressed by the Tau Cross, signet of the Living God. The double motion of the philosophical cross is the great arcanum of life and being. Deity is Nameless, Numberless, No-thing, Absolute Darkness. God is quaternary: Ineffable–Silence–Father–Truth. All powers and great symphonies of physical and spiritual nature lie inscribed within the Perfect Square. That is why the Ineffable Name was replaced by the Sacred Tetrad or Tetractys, the most binding and solemn oath with the ancient mystics. There are three Tetrads: the Unfathomable Father (First Logos), Its creative emanation or Heavenly Man (Second Logos), and the embodied reflection of the latter in humanity at large (Third Logos), or the Tetragrammaton of the Jews. Only the first is the real, Pythagorean Tetractys; the other two are counterfeit. The Ineffable Word is identical with the “Ineffable Name” of the Masons and the Kabbalists. The Word itself is only a substitute for the Masonic “Lost Word,” and a comparatively modern invention. The “Lost Word” is no word at all, as in the case of the “Ineffable Name.” It ought to stand as “lost words” and lost secrets, in general. Nor the “Name” is a name, but Sound or rather Motion. The “Name” is not “ineffable,” it is “unpronounceable” or rather not to be pronounced.

The spiritual blindness of anthropomorphism is the origin of crass materialism

The spiritual blindness of anthropomorphism is the origin of crass materialism
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 16
Release: 2023-01-01
Genre: Religion

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Materialism is the mother of all vices and root of the sin and suffering in the world. It is the negation of pure Spirit, resulting in brutality, hypocrisy, greed, and selfishness. Further proof of the moral blindness of materialism is the unquestioning belief in the necromantic apparitions of the disembodied “spirits” of the dead. Modern Science cannot unveil the mystery of the Spirit of Cosmos to the eyes of man. It can collect, classify, and generalize upon phenomena; but the Occultist declares that the daring explorer, who would probe the inmost secrets of Nature, must transcend the narrow limitations of sense, and elevate his Manas to the realm of noumena and the sphere of primal causes. To run counter to the views of modern Science’s most eminent exponents, is to court a premature discomfiture in the eyes of the Western world. Occultism is at odds with the spiritual blindness of anthropomorphism, idealism and hylo-idealism, positivism and the all-denying modern psychology and, not least, the endless speculations of physicists who are at loggerheads with each other. The ancient belief that the Sun is the God of Spiritual and Terrestrial Light, is nowadays regarded as a superstition only by rank materialism, that denies the triadic hypostasis of Deity–Spirit–Soul, and admits no intelligence outside the mind of man. The ever-concealed Central Spiritual Sun is the all-pervading Spirit of Life animating the playground of numberless Universes, incessantly manifesting and disappearing. Its creative energy, having originated in the Central Point, is then stored in the visible Sun, the Life- and Health-Giver of the physical world; and then, from deep in the bowels of the Earth, it keeps flowing incessantly out of the North Pole towards the Equator. Francis Bacon was among the first to strike the keynote of materialism, by inverting the order of mental evolution, not only by his inductive method renovated from ill-digested Aristotle, but also by the general tenor of his writings. The Light of Spirit is the eternal Sabbath of the Mystic. Fiat Lux, esoterically rendered, means “Let there be the Sons of Light,” i.e., the noumena of all phenomena. The Sons of Light are the Logoi of Life shooting out like seven fiery tongues from the infinite Ocean of Light, whose supernal pole is pure Spirit lost in Non-Being, and whose infernal pole condenses and crystallizes into gross matter.

The Silent Brother

The Silent Brother
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 12
Release: 2018-05-29
Genre: Religion

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Phallicism and Phallic Worship

Phallicism and Phallic Worship
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 7
Release: 2018-05-23
Genre: Religion

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The Astral Light preserves and reflects images of every thought and action.

The Astral Light preserves and reflects images of every thought and action.
Author: Éliphas Lévi, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 12
Release: 2022-01-01
Genre: Religion

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The body of the world is a huge storehouse of corruption and degeneracy. In the great magical agent, which is the Astral light, are preserved all the impressions of things, all the images formed, either by their rays or by their reflections; it is in this light that our dreams appear to us, it is this light which intoxicates the insane and sweeps away their enfeebled judgment into the pursuit of the most fantastic phantoms. To see without illusions in this light it is necessary to push aside the reflections by a powerful effort of the will, and draw to oneself only the rays. Who are the dead whom we take for the living, and the vampires whom we mistake for friends? They are the poisonous mushrooms of the human species, absorbing the vitality of the living; that is why their approach paralyzes the soul, and sends a chill to the heart. These corpse-like beings prove all that has ever been said of the vampires, those dreadful creatures who rise at night and suck the blood from the healthy bodies of sleeping persons. In the hands of the true adept of the East, a simple wand of bamboo with seven joints, supplemented by their ineffable wisdom and indomitable will-power, suffices to evoke spirits and produce the miracles authenticated by the testimony of a cloud of unprejudiced witnesses.

Exact Science versus Archaic Philosophy

Exact Science versus Archaic Philosophy
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 31
Release: 2018-05-28
Genre: Religion

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Sound and Light, hearing and sight, are always associated. But sound is seen before it is heard. It is useless to demand or expect from the learned men of our age that which they are absolutely incapable of doing for us, until the next cycle changes and transforms entirely their inner nature by “improving the texture” of their spiritual minds. Unless there is an opening, however small, for the passage of a ray from a man’s higher self to chase the darkness of purely material conceptions from the seat of his intellect, his task can never be wrought to a successful termination. For the sun needs an eye to manifest its light. And this, we think, is the case with the materialist: he can judge psychic phenomena only by their external aspect, and no modification is, or ever can be, created in him, so as to open his insight to their spiritual aspect.

The Pitfalls of Occult Arts and Metaphysical Healing

The Pitfalls of Occult Arts and Metaphysical Healing
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, William Quan Judge
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 45
Release: 2018-05-28
Genre: Religion

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Healing the sick requires unalloyed benevolence, untainted even by latent selfishness. Therefore, a would-be healer must be physically and morally healthy, confident in his science and in himself. Only then can he heal effectively, safely, and permanently. There is nothing “spiritual” or “divine” in any of the latent occult powers in man. But interfering with someone else’s mind, whether consciously or unconsciously, is Black Magic, particularly since there is always more than a tinge of selfishness in the operator’s mind. The true Theosophist neither intrudes in others’ mind, nor hinders others’ freedom of thought. Hypnotism is the new scientific name for the old “superstition.” What the operator is using is not his “benevolent” will, as it is commonly thought, he simply bewitches the patient by means of his auric fluid. No one has the right to take the mind of another, for any purpose, into his possession. “Doing good works” in this way is likely to be vitally injurious, as all but those who are blind in their love of benevolence are compelled to acknowledge. Instead of healing, the hypnotisers awaken the dark forces of nature and end up inoculating the sick with their own ills and vices. Learning and doing good rightly, informed by higher knowledge, is far more effective and safe than the imprudent haste for good works. Though acceptance of Truth and practice of virtue cannot avert stored up Karma, good effects can be produced today and in future. Compassionate action is what really counts, not mere thoughts and wishful thinking. Central to spiritual development is unfeigned compassion-sacrifice which, when enacted, becomes altruism as much as “inaction in a deed of mercy becomes an action in a deadly sin.” (Cf. Voice of the Silence, frag. II vs. 135 p. 31)

Black versus White Magic, the two Opposing Powers

Black versus White Magic, the two Opposing Powers
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 26
Release: 2018-05-16
Genre: Religion

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When a Solitary Ray from the Infinite One is about to become the Many, Duality interposes between It and Its finite differentiations. In the mayavic worlds of being everything is dual. Even the Divine Logos manifests as a double principle of Good and Evil. In terms of human evolution, the seeds of White and Black Magic were sown in Atlantis. Though perfected in materiality, Atlanteans degenerated in spirituality. Black magic, bestiality, selfishness, and self-adoration spelled their demise. Magic is arcane knowledge of the subjective side of Universe and Man, and of the Occult laws and powers that govern their objective manifestations. Arcane science misused, is Sorcery; wisely applied, True Magic. Black Magic is the predictable outcome of selfish motives. For it is the motive, and the motive alone, which makes any exercise of power become black, malignant, or white, beneficent Magic. Practical Theosophy is the modern term for old Magic. Metaphorically speaking, Magic is the conscious reunion of Psyche with Cupid, her beloved groom, upon her return to their celestial abode, or the re-integration of Thought and Spirit. This is the mystery that sanctifies marriage and every earnest hope for a better life. Thus true Magic is the marriage of Nous (Atma-Buddhi) with Manas, a union where Will and Thought, separated at the beginning of time, become One again when self-consciousness reaches the summit of divine power and inner knowledge. When man was first created he couldn’t commit any sin, for he was mindless and therefore irresponsible. The only “vice of his origin” was not his: it has been committed by those who refused to fire him with self-consciousness, with its inherent freedom of thought, and personal responsibility borne by informed decisions. Gnosis is the Western term for the mysteries and destiny of our being, both White and Black. A metaphor for the same enigma is Resurrection or the Raja-Yoga of Eastern Occultists. Amongst Neoplatonists, Raja-Yoga is known as Theurgy. Gnosis will either crown the pure with the sovereignty of their own spirit, or crush the opportunist in the darkness of ignorance and earthy passions. Theosophy is the keynote of our relationship with and in Divine Magic. For Magic is the study and application of divine law. Magic is the ancient Persian word for knowledge and embraces all Chaldeans sciences. It is proficiency in Nature’s hidden powers and laws, or Secret Wisdom, as it was taught in the sanctuaries of the Old World. Magic is the Maha, Magi or Maginsi of Medes and the Egyptians, and the Meghiston of the Zoroastrians. Ancient Magic is Secret Wisdom, the very opposite of Diabolism. It is the theurgy of Iamblichus, the gnosis of Pythagoras, the ecstasy of the Philaletheians, the summit of Eastern Philosophy and Ethics. Magic or Practical Occultism, is the object of Yoga. Mesmerism is another key to our inner nature. It is the Gupta-Vidya of the Eastern Occultists, excellence in universal philosophy, and pinnacle of human knowledge. As Truth is One, so the method for attaining It must be also one. Its disciples help each other in their lessons. The Witches of Thessaly are still amongst us. But as Magic differs from Sorcery, so the Magician differs from the Witch. Hypnotism is Black Magic, irrespective of whether conscious or unconscious. There is little difference between Voodoos and the Vivisectionists of our age. Therefore, Western practitioners of the Black Arts should not have the punishment and reputation without the profits and enjoyments they may get therefrom. Selfish initiates, lured by the glamour of power, retrogress inexorably, and curses always come home to roost. There are “Brothers of the Light” and “Brothers of the Shadow,” there are genuine seers and passive mediums, there are High Planetary Spirits and their illusionary appearances on the psychic screen of mediumistic perceptions. There is White Tantric Magic and its tainted counterpart, there is Neoplatonic Theurgia and its opposite number, Goëtia. Christians beware! The New Testament is all about Unselfishness and Spirituality. The Old Testament is a manual of Selfishness and Psychism. At the apex of its development, our Race will branch off to initiated Adepts, “Sons of Light,” and natural-born mediums, or “Sons of Darkness” — the latter to be exterminated by fire when time expires. We live in dangerous times. There are scores of unconscious crimes committed and many innocent people punished. Terror, tremor and dreadful incidences, as well as beauty, peace, and inspiration are “true presentiments of what lies in the bosom of the future, and much of which is already born.” Practical Theosophy is fraught with dangers for dabblers and neophytes alike. No one should go into occultism or even touch it before he is perfectly acquainted with his own powers. For, it’s all too easy to fall into Black Magic. Even a deed of kindness done with partiality may become evil, by stirring up animosity in the mind of others.