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The Cross (Spanish, Pack of 25)

The Cross (Spanish, Pack of 25)
Author: Lindsay Terry, PH. D.
Total Pages: 6
Release: 2000-12
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9781682160428

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De todos los mEtodos de ejecuciOn, en los que los Romanos eran expertos, pocos fueron tan torturantes y atrozmente dolorosos como la crucifixiOn. La muerte en la cruz estaba planeada para ser lenta. Como no afectaba ningUn Organo vital, se volvIa una agonIa interminable hasta la muerte. Los soldados azotaban a la vIctima con un lAtigo y luego la obligaban a llevar el madero de la cruz hasta el sitio de la ejecuciOn. Colgado en la cruz por horas, el cuerpo soportaba tal presiOn, que la respiraciOn se volvIa difIcil y a veces sobrevenIa la asfixia o un paro cardIaco. Otras veces, la persona permanecIa viva durante dIas, colgando, y cuando finalmente la muerte llegaba, era un alivio. Fue hasta el aNo 337, D.C., cuando la crucifixiOn fue prohibIda en Roma por el primer emperador Cristiano, Constantino El Grande. Antes de eso, miles fueron torturados en la cruz, incluIdo uno llamado JesUs el Cristo. Cabe hacer notar que fue por reverencia a este mismo JesUs, que Constantino erradicO tres siglos despuEs, este tipo de ejecuciOn. Cuando JesUs fue crucificado, voluntariamente llevO a la cruz la culpa de los pecados de usted y los mIos, y al acercarse la muerte, el Hijo de Dios exclamO con toda la fuerza que aUn tenIa: "Consumado es!" QuE significa "Consumado es"? Significa que no se necesita derramar mAs sangre. Ya no serIa necesario sacrificar corderos inocentes, como se hacia en tiempos del Antiguo Testamento, para expiar los pecados de los hombres. El derramamiento de sangre habIa terminado; nuestra salvaciOn estaba totalmente pagada! Hace tiempo, un predicador famoso lo explicO de la siguiente manera: AsI como cuando la sangre Divina de JesUs se deslizO de la brutal cruz Romana hacia la arena, asI fue como la arena murmurO a una brizna de hierba diciEndole, "Consumado es!" InclinAndose la brizna de hierba sobre un Arbol le dijo, "Consumado es!" El Arbol por medio de todo su follaje le gritO a un Aguila, Consumado es! El Aguila elevAndose alto, muy alto, exclamO a toda la tierra, "CONSUMADO ES!" Y asI fue. Estaba consumado! Mis pecados y los de usted fueron pagados con la sangre preciosa de Cristo. Aunque otros miles de hombres fueron tambiEn crucificados, sOlo la crucifixiOn del Hijo de Dios, limpio de todo pecado, mereciO ser parte del plan de Dios para la salvaciOn del hombre. La cruz debe recordarnos siempre de la bondad de Dios hacia nosotros, que permitiO que Su Hijo muriera de esa manera, y especialmente en nuestro lugar. Y el Unico motivo de todo esto es...USTED. JesUs diO su vida por USTED...y por mI. Y ahora tenemos la responsabilidad, usted y yo, de aceptar o rechazar la oferta que Dios nos hace de limpiarnos de todo pecado. Lo que hace Unica y maravillosa la crucifixiOn de Cristo, es que aunque fue bajado de la cruz y sepultado en una tumba sellada, despuEs de tres dias, SE LEVANTO DE LOS MUERTOS! Ahora vive para siempre y es nuestro SeNor y Salvador. AsI fue como quedO completo el plan de Dios para nuestra salvaciOn. Aunque JesUs pagO por el precio de sus pecados y los mIos, El hace fAcil para nosotros el conocerle personalmente y ser salvos. Nosotros somos los pecadores; El es el sacrificado. Es de nosotros el problema; El es el proveedor. De acuerdo con la Biblia, este es el plan de Dios para la salvaciOn suya y mIa. Primero, admita que estA usted perdido y necesita un Salvador. "Ciertamente no hay hombre justo en la tierra, que haga el bien y nunca peque." - EclesiastEs 7:20 "Por cuanto todos pecaron y estAn destituIdos de la gloria de Dios" - Romanos 3:23 Segundo, acepte que sus pecados merecen un severo castigo. "Antes, sI no os arrepentIs, todos perecerEis igualmente" - Lucas 13:3 "Por tanto, como el pecado entrO en el mundo por un hombre, y por el pecado la muerte, asI la muerte pasO a todos los hombres, por cuanto todos pecaron" - Romanos 5:12 Tercero, reconozca que Dios proveyO un camino para que usted sea salvo. "Porque de tal manera amO Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigEnito, para que todo aquel que en El cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna." - Juan 3:16 "Se humillO a si mismo, haciEndose obediente hasta la muerte, y muerte de cruz." - Filipenses 2:8 Cuarto, acepte el plan de Dios para su salvaciOn...hoy mismo. "Por lo cual puede (JesUs) tambiEn salvar perpetuamente a los que por El se acercan a Dios, viviendo siempre para interceder por ellos." - Hebreos 7:25 "Mas a todos los que le recibieron, a los que creen en su nombre, les diO potestad de ser hechos hijos de Dios." - Juan 1:12 Lea varias veces la siguiente oraciOn y luego dIgala con toda sinceridad, recibiendo a Cristo como su Salvador. Al hacerlo, Dios perdonarA sus pecados y le tomarA como hijo. Querido SeNor JesUs, yo confieso que soy pecador y necesito ser salvado. Creo que tU moriste en la cruz para pagar mi deuda. Por favor perdona mis pecados, ven a mi corazOn y salva mi alma. Yo te entrego mi vida SeNor JesUs. AyUdame a vivir para tI, de ahora en adelante. AmEn. Si usted ha recibido a Cristo como su Salvador personal. Bienvenido a la familia de Dios! Por favor, mAndenos su nombre y direcciOn a la direcciOn que aparece abajo; le enviaremos literatura que le ayudarA a caminar en su nueva vida con Cristo.

Steps To Peace With God 25 Pack: Spanish Cross = Steps to Peace with God

Steps To Peace With God 25 Pack: Spanish Cross = Steps to Peace with God
Author: Billy Graham
Publisher: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Total Pages:
Release: 2015-10-01
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9781593283230

Download Steps To Peace With God 25 Pack: Spanish Cross = Steps to Peace with God Book in PDF, ePub and Kindle

Spanish Steps to Peace With God are printed in full color and come in packages of 25 tracts. A classic from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association; many people put the Steps to Peace With God booklet in every Christmas card they send to their non-Christian friends and loved ones. Others carry copies year-round to give away or leave in public places. This powerful Gospel presentationa proven soul winneris a clear and compelling way to share the lifesaving message of God's grace.

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Publisher: Thomas Nelson Inc
Total Pages: 54
Release: 2001-01-10
Genre: Christian life
ISBN: 0849916836

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Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 336
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ISBN: 1135854300

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With the rise of Spanish language media around the world, no reference work is available that provides an overview of the field or its emerging issues. The Handbook of Spanish Language Media is intended to fill that need. The goal is to establish a Handbook that will become the definitive source for scholars interested in this emerging field of study; not only to provide background knowledge of the various issues and topics relevant to Spanish Language media, but also to establish directions for future research in this rapidly growing area.

The Cross (Pack Of 25)

The Cross (Pack Of 25)
Author: Lindsay Terry
Publisher: Good News Publishers
Total Pages: 6
Release: 2001-01-31
ISBN: 9781682160435

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There have been few methods of execution more torturous or more excruciatingly painful than crucifixion-and the Romans mastered it. By design, death on a cross was not quick. No vital organs were damaged, so it was a slow, agonizing demise. Soldiers would first whip the victim with a scourge and then force him to carry his own crossbeam to the execution site. Once suspended on a cross, the hours in a strained position took its toll on the individual's body, causing difficulty in breathing-and often suffocation. Some victims died of heart failure. And sometimes a person would hang alive for days, finally succumbing to death as a welcomed relief. It wasn't until A.D. 337 that crucifixion was banned in Rome by the first Christian emperor, Constantine the Great. But by then thousands had been tortured on a cross-including one named Jesus Christ. Interestingly enough, it was out of reverence for this very Jesus that Constantine outlawed this method of execution three centuries later. When Jesus was crucified He voluntarily took the guilt of your sins and mine to the cross with Him. As death drew near, the Son of God summoned all of His human strength and said, "It is finished!" What did that mean?-"It is finished!" It meant that there was no more need for bloodshed. Never again would innocent lambs have to be sacrificed to atone for man's sins as had been done in Old Testament times. The blood flow was finished. Our salvation had been paid for in full! A famous preacher of yesteryear explained it in this fashion: As Jesus' blood-the blood of God-coursed down the crude Roman cross and into the sand, it was as if the sand whispered to a blade of grass, "It is finished." The blade of grass leaned toward a tree and said, "It is finished!" The tree lifted its leafy limbs heavenward and shouted to an eagle, "It is finished!" The soaring eagle rose higher and higher and screamed to the whole earth, "IT IS FINISHED!" And so it was-finished! My sin and yours were paid for with the precious blood of Christ. Though there were thousands of men who were crucified, only the crucifixion of the sinless Son of God was worthy to be part of God's eternal plan for man's salvation. The cross should be a constant reminder to each of us of the goodness of God in allowing His only Son to die in that manner and, especially, to die in our place. There is only one reason . . .YOU! He gave His life for YOU-and for me. So each of us is personally responsible for receiving or rejecting God's offer of cleansing from our sins. The thing that makes Jesus' experience with crucifixion so unique and supreme is that He was taken from the cross, placed in a sealed tomb, and after three days ROSE FROM THE DEAD! He ever lives to be our Savior and Lord. Thus, God's plan for our salvation was made complete. Although it cost Jesus everything to pay for your sins and mine, He makes it very easy for us to know Him personally and to be saved. We are the sinners; He is the sacrifice. We have the problem; He is the provider. Here is God's plan of salvation for you and me, according to the Bible. First, admit that you are lost and need a Savior. "For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not." -Ecclesiastes 7:20 "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." -Romans 3:23 Second, realize that a heavy penalty is on your sin. "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." -Luke 13:3 "Wherefore, as by one man [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." -Romans 5:12 Third, acknowledge that God made a way for you to be saved. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." -John 3:16 "He humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." -Philippians 2:8 Fourth, accept God's plan for your salvation . . .today! "He [Jesus] is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." -Hebrews 7:25 "But as many as received him [Jesus], to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." -John 1:12 Read the following prayer several times and then earnestly pray that prayer, accepting Christ personally, and God will forgive your sins and make you one of His own. Dear Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a guilty sinner and that I need to be saved. I believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay my sin debt. Please forgive my sins, come into my heart, and save my soul. I turn my life over to You. Help me to live for You from now on. Amen. If you have received Christ as your personal Savior, welcome to the family of God! Please send your name and address to the address below, and additional literature will be sent to you to help you in your new life with Christ.


Total Pages: 48
Release: 1964-08-29

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In its 114th year, Billboard remains the world's premier weekly music publication and a diverse digital, events, brand, content and data licensing platform. Billboard publishes the most trusted charts and offers unrivaled reporting about the latest music, video, gaming, media, digital and mobile entertainment issues and trends.

Popular Science

Popular Science
Total Pages: 282
Release: 1954-06

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Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.