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Dà Shamhradh ann an Raineach

Dà Shamhradh ann an Raineach
Author: Graham Cooper
Publisher: Luath Press Ltd
Total Pages: 160
Release: 2020-05-15
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 1913025918

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Dà Shamhradh ann an Raineach is a historical novel written in Scottish Gaelic. It is set in 18th century Edinburgh and rural Perthshire, 20 years after the Battle of Culloden, a time of rapid social change and development in areas such as medicine, printing, the Church, the Gaelic language and agriculture. The novel is based on the facts that are known of the life of Dugald Buchanan, the poet and schoolteacher who made a major contribution to the first translation of the New Testament into Gaelic from the original Greek. He oversaw the printing of the New Testament in Edinburgh in 1767, the same year in which his own book of Spiritual Songs was published. These poems were to become enormously influential throughout the Gaelic speaking world. The greater part of the novel describes the last two years of his life and is narrated by his wife, Margaret. She outlived him by over 40 years and was in a position to look back over the tragic events which had struck the Buchanan family. As a result, the story ultimately becomes her own as much as that of Dugald.

An Ròs a Leighas

An Ròs a Leighas
Author: Graham Cooper
Publisher: Luath Press Ltd
Total Pages: 203
Release: 2021-06-21
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 1910022861

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Alba, am Foghar 1513. An dèidh dha taibhse fhaicinn ann an Glinn Iucha, tha Rìgh Seumas a Ceithir dealasach gu falbh air taistealachd a Bhaile Dhubhthaich mus dèan e ionnsaigh air Sasainn. Na chuideachd, bidh Mgr Eanraig Leich, an lannsair pearsanta aige, agus an t-amadan as fheàrr leis, Tòmas. Bidh càirdeas a' sìor fhàs eadar an triùir fhear fhad 's a tha iad air chuairt a Bhaile Dhubhthaich agus, an uair sin, a' marcachd a Northumberland fada gu deas. Ach bidh teagamhan agus droch mhanaidhean gam buaireadh mus tig latha mòr a' chatha air Blàr Flodden. Scotland, Autumn 1513. After seeing an apparition in Linlithgow, King James the Fourth is determined to go on pilgrimage to St Duthac's Church in Tain before he makes an attack on England. In his company are Master Henry Leich, his personal surgeon, and his favourite jester, Thomas. Friendship deepens between the three men as they travel north to Tain and then ride to Northumberland, far to the south. But doubts and ill omens will test their resolve before the great day of battle comes on Flodden field.

Cuibhle an Fhortain

Cuibhle an Fhortain
Author: Mòrag Law
Publisher: Luath Press Ltd
Total Pages: 97
Release: 2020-04-08
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 1912387743

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An Dàn – caochladach, dìomhair is uaireanan gu math cruaidh. Cò nar measg nach do dh' fhuiling buaidh An Dàn air ar beatha? Bho fàsaichean Àstrailia gu na h-Innse Gall, bho taigheadas seann dhaoine gu casino anns a' bhaile mhòr tha an cruinneachadh seo a' sealltainn dhuinn làmh An Dàin ag obair ann am beathannan agus anns na dàimhean caochladh charactaran. Buidheann sgrìobhadairean ag ionnsachadh leasan ùr iongantach , cupall a' dèiligeadh ri laigse na h-aoise. Pàrantan a' strì ri thuigsinn inbheachd ùr an nighean ,fear a' dèanamh bargan nach eil ag obrachadh a-mach ann an dòigh san robh dùil aige. Ann an cuid de na sgeulachdan bidh caractaran a' tachradh ris An Dàn ann an cumadh strainnsear no neach-tadhail aig nach robh dùil aca. Tha sgeulachdan ann far a bheil An Dàin a' tighinn am follais ann an tachartasan sònraichte agus cuid eile far a bheil caractaran a' feuchainn ri cothachadh leis a' bhuaidh 's a tha An Dàin a' fàgail orra bho na làithean a dh'fhalbh. Gu tric bi iad gar fàgail le ceistean mun àm ri teachd, ' s iad uile a' cuir cuideam air dè cho mi-chìnnteach 's a tha beatha mac an duine, far nach eil fhios aig duin' againn dè tha air thoisich oirnn. Fate – fickle, mysterious and sometimes very cruel. From the outback of Australia to the Hebrides, from a city casino to the confines of sheltered housing, this collection of stories shows the hand of Fate at work in the lives and relationships of a wide variety of characters. There are the members of a writers' group who learn a new and surprising lesson, a couple coming to terms with the restrictions of age, parents forced to acknowledge the growing maturity of their child, a man who makes a bargain with unforeseen results. In some stories, the characters encounter Fate in the guise of a stranger or unexpected visitor, or while experiencing significant – sometimes life-changing – events. In others, the characters are facing up to the effects of a fateful experience in their past. All the stories will leave you with as many questions as answers and make you think anew about the effect of Fate on all our lives.

100 Dàn as Fheàrr Leinn

100 Dàn as Fheàrr Leinn
Author: Peter MacKay
Publisher: Luath Press Ltd
Total Pages: 594
Release: 2020-11-11
Genre: Poetry
ISBN: 1910022241

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A collection of 100 favourite Gaelic poems and songs – love poems and hymns, sea ditties and war poems, lullabies and elegies – many translated into English for the first time. Selected by Peter Mackay and Jo MacDonald, and including public nominations, these poems give a multi-layered taste of the full richness of Gaelic literature from the Middle Ages to the present day. Cruinneachadh de 100 dàn agus òran Gàidhlig de dh'iomadh seòrsa agus o iomadh linn – nam measg bàrdachd gaoil agus laoidhean, òrain mara agus òrain cogaidh, tàlaidhean agus marbhrainn. Air an taghadh le Pàdraig MacAoidh agus Jo NicDhòmhnaill, le molaidhean an t-sluaigh, tha an cruinneachadh seo a' toirt blasad de shàr-bheartas litreachas na Gàidhlig.

The Girl on the Ferryboat

The Girl on the Ferryboat
Author: Angus Peter Campbell
Publisher: Luath Press Ltd
Total Pages: 201
Release: 2013-09-13
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 1909912565

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I loved her from the moment I saw her, and that love has never wavered. It has encased every choice I have ever made, and I have never done anything in my life which didn't involve her image somewhere... I'm so sorry for it all This is the latest English-language novel from award-winning Gaelic poet, novelist, journalist, broadcaster and actor, Angus Peter Campbell, and the first to be published simultaneously in Gaelic and English. Vividly evoked Scottish tale of chance encounters and of family memories, regret, love and loss. Combines myth, music and linguistics to recount the memory of a hazy summer's day on the Isle of Mull.

Archie and the North Wind

Archie and the North Wind
Author: Angus Peter Campbell
Publisher: Luath Press Ltd
Total Pages: 164
Release: 2014-03-21
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 1909912980

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Archie genuinely believes the old legends he was told as a child. Growing up on a small island of the Scottish coast and sheltered from the rest of the world, despite all the knowledge he gains as an adult, he still believes in the underlying truth of these stories. After years of unemployment, to escape his selfish wife and to stop the North Wind from blowing so harshly in winter, Archie leaves home to find the hole where the North Wind originates. Funny, original and very moving, Archie and the North Wind demonstrates the raw power of storytelling.

A Killing in Van Diemen's Land

A Killing in Van Diemen's Land
Author: Douglas Watt
Publisher: Luath Press Ltd
Total Pages: 189
Release: 2021-04-15
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 1910022284

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Set in Edinburgh in 1690. The body of a wealthy merchant is discovered in his home in the city centre. Was his killing the result of a robbery gone wrong? The vicious mode of his death seems to suggest otherwise. Scotland is in upheaval as political and religious tensions boil, and there is mystery concealed behind the walls of Van Diemen's Land. MacKenzie and Scougall investigate.

The Guga Stone

The Guga Stone
Author: Donald S Murray
Publisher: Luath Press Ltd
Total Pages: 268
Release: 2013-08-20
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 1909912425

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In 1930, the last inhabitants of the isle of St Kilda were evacuated to the mainland. Shortly afterwards, following several acts of vandalism by local fishermen, Calum MacKinnon was sent back to the island to guard against further damage. Alone on the deserted island, he begins to re-imagine the conversations and stories from his years in the island port of Village Bay. He also recalls some of the experiences of its people in exile on the mainland, showing their difficulties in adjusting to a new way of life, and a diet no longer based mainly on seabirds. The vivid prose is interspersed with poetry and illustratios, creating a colourful and insightful ficionalisation of life on remote St Kilda. BACK COVER Acrobats, airmen, cormorants, cragsmen and angels leap, climb, shimmer and swoop through these pages as the story of how Calum Mackinnon was sent to guard the houses in Village Bay, St Kilda shortly after its evacuation in 1930 unfolds. While there, Calum conjures up conversations with the island's former residents, providing, through both prose and verse, fresh and often surreal insights into life on Scotland's western edge. Humorous and moving, surprising and enchanting, The Guga Stone celebrates the miracles and wonders of an existence eked out on cliff and crag, sea-rock and skerry, the exile of its people, too, far from their native shores. Enlightening as fulmar oil, exquisite as the flavour of the guga itself, The Guga Stone reveals the small and great truths of the human imagination as it recreates that island's tales and legends for our time.

Memory and Straw

Memory and Straw
Author: Angus Peter Campbell
Publisher: Luath Press Ltd
Total Pages: 255
Release: 2017-07-03
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 1910324965

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A face is nothing without its history. Gavin and Emma live in Manhattan. She's a musician. He works in Artificial Intelligence. He's good at his job. Scarily good. He's researching human features to make more realistic mask-bots - non-human 'carers' for elderly people. When his enquiry turns personal he's forced to ask whether his own life is an artificial mask. Delving into family stories and his roots in the Highlands of Scotland, he embarks on a quest to discover his own true face, 'uniquely sprung from all the faces that had been'. He returns to England to look after his Grampa. Travels. Reads old documents. Visits ruins. Borrows, plagiarises and invents. But when Emma tells him his proper work is to make a story out of glass and steel, not memory and straw, which path will he choose? What's the best story he can give her? A novel about the struggle for freedom and personal identity; what it means to be human. It fuses the glass and steel of our increasingly controlled algorithmic world with the memory and straw of our forebears' world controlled by traditions and taboos, the seasons and the elements.

MacCloud Falls

MacCloud Falls
Author: Robert Alan Jamieson
Total Pages: 224
Release: 2017-08-25
Genre: British Columbia
ISBN: 9781912147076

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In the summer of 2011, Gilbert Johnson, an Edinburgh antiquarian bookseller suffering from cancer who has only ever travelled via books before, decides to make one big journey while he is still fit enough - to British Columbia on the trail of an early settler he believes may have been his runaway grandfather, a man who went on to become important in the embryonic 'Indian Rights' movement of the 20th century. Flying over the Rocky Mountains he meets a fellow passenger, a Canadian woman, so beginning a relationship that ultimately carries the two of them deep into the interior of the province. macCLOUD FALLS is both an exploration of the Scottish colonisation of B.C., and a roadtrip romance full of humour, rich characters and incident in the shadow of impending death.