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Three Essays on the Role of Frictions in the Economy

Three Essays on the Role of Frictions in the Economy
Author: Meradj Morteza Pouraghdam
Total Pages: 165
Release: 2016

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In this thesis I have investigated three aspects of market frictions. Chapter 1 is about financial frictions, i.e. frictional forces prevailing in the financial lending markets and how monitoring and legal fines imposed on banks affect financial fragility. Chapter 2 explores the frictional labor market, i.e. frictional forces that prevent the smooth matching process between employees and employers in labor markets. In this chapter I investigate the sources of fluctuations in labor market volatility. Chapter 3 investigates the asymmetrical information in lending markets and how bankruptcy law could potentially affect this asymmetrical information between a borrower and its lenders. In Chapter 1, I have investigated the implications of legal fines and partial monitoring in a macro-finance model. This primary motivation of this work was the unprecedented level of fines banks faced in recent years. The research in this field is very sparse and this work is one of the few to fill in the void. I have tried investigating the implications of fines and partial monitoring in static and dynamic frameworks. There is partial monitoring in the sense that dubious behavior of intermediaries is not always observed with certainty. Moreover intermediaries can pay some litigation fees to mitigate the punishment for their conduct should they get caught. Several insights can be drawn from introducing such concepts in static and dynamic frameworks. Partial monitoring and legal fines make the incentive constraint of intermediaries more relaxed, in the sense that bankers are required to pledge less collateral to raise fund. This decrease in the asset pledgeability pushes the corporate spread down. In a dynamic set-up due to changes in asset qualities caused by such possibilities, recovery in output and credit become sluggish in response to an adverse financial shock. The dynamic implications of the model for the post-crisis period are investigated. This paper calls for further research to broaden our understandings in how legal settlements interact with banks' behaviors. In Chapter 2 (joint with Elisa Guglielminetti) I have investigated the time-varying property of job creation in the United States. Despite extensive documentation of the US labor market dynamics, evidence on its time-varying volatility is very hard to find. In this work I contribute to the literature by structurally investigating the time-varying volatility of the U.S. labor market. I address this issue through a time-varying parameter VAR (TVP-VAR) with stochastic volatility by identifying four structural shocks through imposing robust restrictions based on a New Keynesian DSGE model with frictional labor markets and a large set of shocks. The main findings are as follows. First, at business cycle frequencies, the lion share of the variance of job creation is explained by cost-push and demand shocks, thus challenging the conventional practice of addressing the labor market volatility puzzle à la Shimer under the assumption that technology shocks are the main driver of fluctuations in hiring. Second, technology shocks had a negative impact on job creation until the beginning of the '90s. This result is reminiscent of the "hours puzzle" à la Gali. In Chapter 3 (joint with Garence Staraci) I provide an additional rationale why creditors include covenants in their contracts. The central claim is that covenants are not only included as a means of shifting the governance from debtors to creditors, but also to potentially address the concerns creditors might have about how the bankruptcy law is practiced. To investigate this claim, I take advantage of the fact that covenants are nullified inside bankruptcy. This fact permits us to show that any change to the bankruptcy law affects the spread through changes that it brings to the contractual structure...

Three Essays on Monetary Policy in Economies with Financial Frictions

Three Essays on Monetary Policy in Economies with Financial Frictions
Author: Rahul Anand
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2010

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The objective of this dissertation is to understand the role of financial frictions in the transmission of shocks and their effect on the monetary policy transmission mechanism. To accomplish the task, we develop Dynamic Stochastic General equilibrium models with financial frictions. In the first chapter, we develop a model to analytically determine the appropriate price index to target in the presence of financial frictions (where a fraction of households are constrained to consume their wage income each period). The analysis suggests that in the presence of financial frictions, a welfare-maximizing central bank should adopt flexible headline inflation targeting-i.e. a headline inflation target but with some weight on the output gap. These results are particularly relevant for emerging markets, where the share of food expenditures in total consumption expenditures is high and a large proportion of consumers are credit constrained. In the second chapter, we develop a small open economy model with macrofinancial linkages. The model includes a financial accelerator - entrepreneurs are assumed to partially finance investment using domestic and foreign currency debt - to assess the importance of financial frictions in the amplification and propagation of the effects of transitory shocks to productivity, interest rates and net worth of firms. We use Bayesian estimation techniques to estimate the model using India data. The model is used to assess the importance of the financial accelerator in India and to assess the optimality of the current monetary policy rule. In the third chapter, we develop a small open economy New Keynesian model with financial frictions and an active banking sector for India. We find that the presence of a monopolistic banking sector with sticky interest rate setting attenuates the shocks. However, if the interest rates are flexible it results in the amplification of shocks. We also find that an unexpected reduction in bank capital can have a substantial impact on the real economy and particularly on investment. Use of nonmonetary policy tools result in greater volatility as compared to when central banks use traditional monetary tightening.

Essays on Financial Frictions

Essays on Financial Frictions
Author: Jiaqian Chen
Total Pages:
Release: 2012

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This thesis studies the role of financial frictions in shaping the consumption and investment behavior in China and its implications on rest of the world. The first chapter uses a panel of Chinese individual level data to show that the inability to borrow against future labour income forces a significant portion of individuals to deviate from a smooth consumption path over the life cycle, which they would otherwise follow. Financial frictions also affect the Chinese corporate sector. The second chapter relates China's current account surplus, as well as productivity differential between state-owned (SOEs) and privately-owned enterprises (POEs), to differences in access to finance. I consider an open- economy DSGE model of the Chinese economy with two productive sectors. I model SOEs and POEs as start-ups which need to borrow in order to begin production. Following a policy-induced asymmetric shock to the borrowing constraints, SOEs are on average less productive than POEs. Because of the lower hurdle rate for investment they face, SOEs end up creating more investable assets than POEs, while, due to more constrained credit availability, POEs save more and invest less than SOEs. In aggregate, this simple mechanism implies investment (driven by less productive SOEs) does not keep up with savings (driven by more productive POEs), resulting in a current ac- count surplus. Furthermore, the savings of Chinese POEs owners in search of investable foreign assets put downward pressure on the world long run real interest rate. In the third chapter, I move from China to an international perspective. This chapter constructed a measure of financial frictions for 41 emerging economies (EMs) between 1995 and 2008 in order to shed light on common factors across countries. Finally, Chapter four shows econometrically that financial frictions pose a serious danger to EMs, by reducing long run economic growth, raising the probability of a crisis, and leading to asset bubbles. Consistent with Chapter 2, I confirm that financial fractions can also help explain the current account position of EMs.

Essays on Macroeconomics with Financial Frictions

Essays on Macroeconomics with Financial Frictions
Author: Wei Wang
Total Pages: 206
Release: 2015
Genre: Electronic dissertations

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This dissertation develops three independent yet related frameworks to identify economic mechanisms through which financial frictions affect the aggregate economy over the business cycle and along the path of economic development. There are three chapters in this dissertation. In each chapter, a theoretical model is constructed based on motivating empirical facts, followed by quantitative analyses disciplined and evaluated by data at both the macro- and micro-level. Chapter 1, Financial Frictions and Agricultural Productivity Differences, explores the role of financial frictions in accounting for agricultural employment share and labor productivity differences across provinces in China. A two-sector general equilibrium model with a subsistence consumption requirement and financial frictions is constructed. Limited credit decreases the use of intermediate inputs and increases the use of labor input. As a consequence, workers are trapped in the agricultural sector and agricultural labor productivity is low. Since agricultural employment consists of a large percentage of total employment, aggregate labor productivity is also low. Quantitatively, financial frictions alone explain more than 25% of the observed employment share and productivity differences. Financial frictions amplify the effect of TFP differences on agricultural productivity differences by 30%. Cross-country sectoral value-added per worker differences are large. Value-added per worker is much higher in non-agriculture than in agriculture in the typical country, and particularly so in poor countries. Even though these agricultural productivity gaps (APG) are large, poor countries devote most of their employment to agriculture. Based on a novel data set of value-added at the sectoral level that is comparable across provinces, I find the same patterns across provinces in China. In the second chapter, Credit Constraints, Human Capital and the Agricultural Productivity Gaps, I explore and quantify the role of financial frictions in accounting for these puzzling patterns. A two-sector heterogeneous-agent model with human capital investment, occupational choices and financial frictions is developed. Financial frictions depress human capital accumulation and distort occupational choices of rural households. Quantitatively, our model could account for a substantial portion of the observed cross-province differences in sectoral productivities and the APGs. The financial friction alone could account for 80% of the across-province differences in AGPs. It also explains 1/3 of the sectoral productivity differences and 1/5 of the differences in the agricultural employment share and the aggregate productivity across provinces. In Chapter 3, A Search-Theoretic Model of Capital Reallocation, I investigate how search frictions in the capital market affects capital reallocation across firms and the price of used capital over the business cycles. A tractable dynamic general equilibrium model is developed to account for procyclicality of capital reallocation. Firms are heterogeneous in their productivities and they trade used capital in a market which is subject to search frictions. After idiosyncratic productivity shocks are realized, firms are able to adjust their capital stock to a more favorable level before production. In the booms, the demand of used capital increases and the market tightness of used capital market is small. Hence, capital reallocation is larger and the price of used capital is higher. During the recessions, buyers demand less used capital and the market tightness is large. Consequently, capital reallocation is smaller and the price of used capital is lower. Quantitatively, the model could generate a correlation coefficient between capital reallocation and output that is consistent with the data.

Essays in Macroeconomics and Financial Frictions

Essays in Macroeconomics and Financial Frictions
Author: Christine N. Tewfik
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2017

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My dissertation is comprised of three papers on the causes and consequences of the U.S. Great Recession. The emphasis is on the role that financial frictions play in magnifying financial shocks, as well as in informing the effectiveness of potential policies. Chapter 1, "Financial Frictions, Investment Delay and Asset Market Interventions," co-authored with Shouyong Shi, studies the role of investment delay in propagating different types of financial shocks, and how this role impacts the effectiveness of asset market interventions. The topic is motivated by the observation that, during the Great Recession, governments conducted large-scale asset market interventions. The aim was to increase the level of liquidity in the asset market and make it easier for firms to obtain financing. However, firms were observed to have delayed investment by hoarding liquid funds, part of which were obtained through the interventions. We construct a dynamic macro model to incorporate financial frictions and investment delay. Investment is undertaken by entrepreneurs who face liquidity frictions in the equity market and a collateral constraint in the debt market. After calibrating the model to the U.S. data, we quantitatively examine how aggregate activity is affected by two types of financial shocks: (i) a shock to equity liquidity, and (ii) a shock to entrepreneurs' borrowing capacity. We then analyze the effectiveness of government interventions in the asset market after such financial shocks. In particular, we compare the effects of government purchases of private equity and of private debt in the open market. In addition, we examine how these effects of government interventions depend on the option to delay investment. In Chapter 2, "Housing Liquidity and Unemployment: The Role of Firm Financial Frictions," I build upon the role that firms' ability to obtain funding plays in the severity of the Great Recession. I focus specifically on how the housing crisis reduced the ability of firms to obtain funding, and the consequences for unemployment. An important feature I focus on is the role of housing liquidity, or how easy it is to sell or buy a house. I analyze how an initial fall in housing market liquidity, linked to rising foreclosure costs for banks, affects labor market outcomes, which can have further feedback effects. I focus on the role that firm financial frictions play in these feedback effects. To this end, I construct a dynamic macro model that incorporates frictional housing and labor markets, as well as firm financial frictions. Mortgages are obtained from banks that incur foreclosure costs in the event of default. Foreclosure costs also affect the ease with which firms can borrow, and this influences their hiring decisions. I calibrate the model to U.S. data, and find that a rise in foreclosure costs that generates a 10% fall in the firm loan-to-output ratio results in a 3 percentage point rise in the unemployment rate. The rise in unemployment makes it more difficult for indebted owners to avoid defaulting on their mortgage. This rise in default, on the order of 20 percent, creates further slack in the housing market by both increasing the number of houses on the market and reducing the amount of buyers. Consequently, there are large drops in housing prices and in the size of mortgage loans. Notably, when firm financial frictions are absent, I observe a counter-factual fall in the unemployment rate, which mitigates the effects on the housing market, and even results in a fall in the mortgage default rate. The results highlight the importance of the impact of the housing market crisis on a firm's willingness to hire, and how firms' limited access to credit magnifies the initial housing shock. In Chapter 3, "Housing Market Distress and Unemployment: A Dynamic Analysis," I add to the contributions of my second paper, and extend the analysis to determine the dynamic effects of the housing crisis on unemployment. In Chapter 2, I focused on comparing stationary equilibria when there is a rise in the foreclosure costs associated with mortgage default. However, a full analysis must also take into account the dynamic effects of the shock. In order to do the dynamic analysis, I modify the model in my job market paper to satisfy the conditions of block recursivity. I do this by incorporating Hedlund's (2016) technique of introducing real estate agents in the housing market that match separately with buyers and sellers. Doing this makes the model's endogenous variables independent of the distribution of households and firms. Rather, the impact of the distribution is summarized by the shadow value of housing. This greatly improves the tractability of the model, and allows me to compute the dynamic response to a fall in a bank's ability to sell a foreclosed house, thus raising the costs of mortgage default. I find that the results are largely dependent on the size and persistence of the shock, as well as the level of firm financial frictions that are present. When firm financial frictions are high, as represented by the presence of an interest rate premium charged to firms, and the initial shock is large, the shock is transferred to firms via an endogenous rise in the cost of renting capital. Firms scale back on production and reduce employment. The rise in unemployment increases the debt burden for households with large mortgages. They can try and sell, but find it difficult to do so because they must sell at a high price to be able to pay off their debt. If they fail, they are forced to default, thus further raising the mortgage costs of banks, further reducing resources to firms, and propagating the initial shock. However, the extent of the propagation is limited; once the shock wears off, the economy recovers to its pre-crisis levels within two quarters. I discuss the reasons why, and what elements would be needed for greater persistence.

Essays on Information and Financial Frictions in Macroeconomics

Essays on Information and Financial Frictions in Macroeconomics
Author: Abolfazl Rezghi
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023

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This dissertation examines how information and financial frictions impact firms' investment decisions and shape the effectiveness of monetary policy. The first chapter studies the response of high and low credit quality firms to expansionary monetary shocks. According to the findings, high credit quality firms respond to an expansionary shock by increasing their investment, inventory, and sales, whereas low credit quality firms experience a decrease in these variables. Moreover, their financing behavior differs, with high credit quality firms raising funds through equity while low credit quality firms are unable to issue equity or debt. To provide a theoretical explanation for these findings, a simple model is constructed with two types of firms: financially constrained firms and unconstrained firms. Financially constrained firms face a trade-off in allocating their limited funds between wage payments and investment, while unconstrained firms have greater financial flexibility. As a result of an expansionary shock, an increase in wages affects constrained firms disproportionately, leading them to cut their investment to cover the additional labor costs. Furthermore, constrained firms, due to their limited collateral, have to reduce their debt, which aligns with the empirical observations. The second chapter examines the interaction between information and financial frictions and its implications for the investment channel of monetary policy. In a model with inattentive firms facing financial frictions, constrained firms are more attentive to monetary policy as they attempt to avoid financial costs, creating a new channel for financial frictions to affect price rigidity. Since the level of price rigidity is one of the determinants of the outcome of the monetary policy, the model suggests that the investment channel of monetary policy hinges on the interaction between financial frictions and rational inattention. The research provides empirical evidence that supports the predictions of the model. Firstly, the study uses firms' expectation surveys and, taking size as a proxy for financial constraint, finds that smaller firms have more precise nowcasts and forecasts of aggregate variables. Additionally, these firms are more willing to pay for professional forecasts. Secondly, the research employs firms' balance sheet data and a proxy for aggregate attentiveness to demonstrate that higher information rigidity leads to a sluggish and dampened aggregate investment response to monetary shocks, as predicted by the model. The third chapter finds that a contractionary monetary shock would increase the number of defaults and the aggregate liability of defaulted firms in the economy. Using a DSGE model with financial intermediaries, I show that a higher rate of default negatively impacts the balance sheets of banks and leads to a decrease in the supply of credit and a rise in the interest rate of loans. This further increases the cost of production, forcing more firms to file for bankruptcy. The study demonstrates that monetary policy can effectively dampen this amplification mechanism by considering the default rate in the policy rule, thereby ensuring a more stable economic environment